Preserving Legal Testimony Electronically: E-court

An unbiased recording of court proceedings is an important task of every court. The court reporters are assigned the task to take down the testimonies and to transcribe each spoken word onto a paper or record it electronically. The text recorded can be used for review during case judgement and can be stored as a proof and future reference.

The courts generally observe three methods to preserve the testimonies viz.

  1. The words can be taken down on the paper by the stenographer reporter by pressing levers of the typing machine.
  2. A reporter can record each proceeding using electronic means. He / she can over see an electronic system to record the words spoken during the proceedings.
  3. Third way out is making the electronic recording done without the human intervention or involvement.

These three ways are used for the same purpose but each way has its own usefulness and varying costs. But the question is which way is most effective.  Some believe that following traditional way of recording by the stenographer should be continued. But it has many shortcomings. The stenographer may mishear, misunderstand or can err while taking down the notes. The purely electronic systems of recording without human interactions are cost effective and error due to human intervention is completely removed. Appointing a person to oversee the electronic system of recording has added advantage as a human can decide what data is relevant to be written. The camera recording can be used for the overall recording of the procedure. These recordings can act as reliable proofs for case study in future.

The e-court technology provides the facility of electronic recording making the court reporting easy. Since the electronic recording includes video, voice tone, inflections and pauses in speech also, it can more faithfully depict the total experience of the courtroom at an instant. Electronic ways allow simultaneous audio, video and written records as well with the help of speech recognition.

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